Driving the Transition to E-Mobility
Abstracts of work to be presented at EVS36 will be available on the EVS36 web app at the commencement of EVS36 in Sacramento, California on June 9, 2023. All EVS36 registrants will have access to the event app.
EVS36 Proceedings, consisting of all final, peer reviewed EVS36 papers that adhere to formatting guidelines, will be published at www.EVS36.com no later than two (2) weeks following the event. The proceedings will be open access, free to download and published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.
For additional discoverability of their work in an indexed and citable format, authors may elect to have their final papers published by the Electric Drive Transportation Association in Zenodo, assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and curated in an open access EVS36 Community under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. This publishing service is subject to an article processing fee of $250 USD. See below for EVS36 Publishing Policies and Terms of Service. EDTA encourages authors to visit the EVS33 Zenodo Community to view examples of EVS papers previously published by EDTA.
Select papers will be published in a special edition of the World Electric Vehicle Association Journal (WEVJ) (ISSN 2032-6653). This journal is an indexed, scholarly publication issued quarterly online by MDPI. The selection of these papers will be made by the WEVJ Editorial Board. Primary authors of selected papers will be notified directly by WEVA publishers in Fall 2023.
EVS36 Proceedings
EDTA will make the event proceedings, consisting of all final EVS36 papers, available in open access format and free to download at www.EVS36.com, no later than two (2) weeks following the event. If EDTA discontinues use of the current EVS36 website URL, the papers archive will be relocated to a site managed by EDTA. A public announcement with full details will be made on EDTA’s website in the case of archive relocation. Authors may withdraw their paper(s) from the proceedings archival process by emailing the EVS36 Secretariat at evs36secretariat@jpdl.com no later than June 12, 2023.
Zenodo Community Publishing Option (Subject to Article Processing Fee):
EDTA offers authors the option to have their final papers published in an indexed and citable format in Zenodo, an open access scholarly publication framework, developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by CERN. Final papers will be assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and curated in an open access EVS36 Community under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. This publishing service is subject to a per-article processing fee of $250 USD and detailed in the below General Guidelines and Terms of Service below. To take advantage of this opportunity, authors must have submitted a final paper adhering to formatting guidelines to the EVS36 Secretariat and confirmed the additional Zenodo publishing option by completing payment by June 30, 2023.
Zenodo Community Publishing Policies and Terms of Service:
By completing payment of the article processing fee (per paper), EVS36 authors grant the Electric Drive Transportation Association permission to publish their final EVS36 peer reviewed work as an Open Access Conference Paper in an EVS36 Zenodo Community under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. Under this license, authors retain copyright to their work, while allowing publications to be reused and redistributed in any medium or format, provided that the original author(s), EDTA and EVS36 are all properly and simultaneously attributed. Authors will ensure that their final paper is suitable for open dissemination and that it complies with applicable laws, including, but not limited to, privacy, data protection and intellectual property rights.
EDTA will begin publishing final EVS36 papers belonging to authors who have completed payment on July 1, 2023. Papers will be published individually and become immediately available for public access at the time of deposit. The EVS36 paper compilation in Zenodo will be completed and all final EVS36 papers will be discoverable no later than September 1, 2023.
When published, a persistent Digital Object Identifier (DOI) will be automatically generated by Zenodo and included in the record for each individual paper. Zenodo will provide DOIs to DataCite. DOIs cannot be changed once the final paper has been published. Records for final EVS36 papers will be indexed in OpenAIRE immediately upon deposit and harvested via the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) interface, as indicated by Zenodo policies.
The metadata sets to accompany each published record will include the following bibliographic information as it appears in the final paper: Title, Summary (description), Keywords (if applicable), and Author(s). The publication date for each paper in Zenodo will be generated automatically to correspond with the date of deposit.
Once deposited by EDTA, Zenodo policies mandate the document file (final paper) CANNOT be altered or revised. EDTA will alert lead authors via email when their paper has been deposited in Zenodo. Authors can obtain citation details by visiting the Zenodo site. The permanent URL for the entire EVS36 Zenodo Community is https://zenodo.org/communities/evs36/. Papers deposited by EDTA into the Zenodo archive will be retained for the lifetime of that repository.
Authors understand Zenodo General Policies, OpenAire Guidelines and agree to the Zenodo Terms of Use. Zenodo applies the FAIR principles to data management.
Presentation Format
Accepted authors for both lecture and dialogue sessions will submit a final paper for publication at equal level in the EVS36 Proceedings. These papers will be presented in lecture and dialogue sessions during the symposium.
- Lecture presentations will be included within topical sessions of the official Symposium program. The lecture session includes a panel of four speakers, all delivering presentations from the same category, with Q&A from the audience at the end. Each presentation will be approximately 20 minutes long, followed by a 10-minute question period at the end of the session. A PowerPoint is requested for all oral presentations.
- A dialogue session is similar to a poster session, with a smaller audience and opportunity for specialist discussions. Dialogue presentations will be in digital format and shown on large screen through scheduled, 15-minute talks by the authors in one of the two official dialogue sessions. The digital file for your dialogue session presentation will also be available for viewing by delegates on multiple platforms.
- Lecture presentation PPTX https://evs36.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/EVS36-Lecture-Template_Final.pptx
- Dialogue presentation PPTX https://evs36.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/EVS36-Dialogue-Poster-Template_Final_with-Instructions.pptx